
2024-2025 Registration

Wetaskiwin Outreach - Registration

August 29 & 30 from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Welcome! We look forward to having your child(ren) join our school community.

If you are NEW to Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools, please locate the designated school closest to your home address and complete our online registration. 

WRPS Schools 2024-2025 registration: Information Dates 

To determine the school catchment area you live in view: School Locator

The Board establishes student attendance areas to optimize enrollment in each school. Student enrollment impacts manageable class size, school staffing and resources.  A school is designated based on where the student’s residence is located. 

To register a new student in your family, go to your PowerSchool Parent Portal and log in with your existing username and password to find the SchoolEngage link at the bottom in the left-hand menu. Once you are in your account, you can add a student. Please review: Guide to Re-enrollment/Registration Forms

Please review: Guide to NEW Family or Adult Student to WRPS 

To register your child, please click here to create your SchoolEngage account.

You will then be called to set up an intake meeting.